Follow along in sync with TOWER 26’s training plan, executing the exact workouts as we deliver them to our beginner triathletes through world champions.

ALL workouts are designed and prepared by, Coach Gerry Rodrigues.

Checkout our Workouts!


Improve your swim mechanics.

One of the key ingredients for performance enhancements. You’ll be taught proper triathlon, open-water swim mechanics based on Gerry Rodrigues’s three essential technical identifiers: tautness, alignment and propulsion. Podcasts #4, #5, and #6.

Increase your training volume.

Low volume is a red flag when assessing poor performance. You’ll receive the appropriate dosage throughout each training phase.

Execute the proper training prescription.

An essential ingredient for performance improvement. You’ll receive a proven training plan with dedicated architecture for your improvements. When to do what workouts, with what intensity and technical focus is Gerry Rodrigues’s signature success. ALL workouts are designed by Coach Gerry.

Be accountable.

You perform better when you’re accountable. There are several accountability stations available to you in this plan.

Checkout our Workouts!


You’ll receive four very specific swim sessions each week designed to carrot you along in your progression of skill and conditioning. These workouts build specific muscular endurance, power, and technical skill enhancements.

Four Triathlon Swim Workouts Each Week

Listen To Comprehensive Workout Audio Files

Detailed Workout Written File

Embedded Video Demonstrations


  • Flexibility/Mobility in Triathletes vs Swimmers

  • Early Vertical Forearm (EVF) proper usage for triathletes

  • Open water SIGHTING with audio



  • Tautness | Push-off

  • Tautness | Kicking thumbs interlaced, snorkel, fins

  • Stable torso | Kicking


  • Alignment | Hand Entry | No Gaps

  • Alignment | Pulling

  • Magnificent Misalignment | Head Movement


  • Propulsion | Stroke Set-up

  • Propulsion | Set-up & Execution Drill

  • Propulsion | Hand Tension


  • Stabilization in the pool

  • Stabilization on Land


  • Kicking | No board

  • Kicking | Everyone gets better

  • Kicking | Inflexible runner's ankles

Vertical Kicking

  • Vertical kick | Proper posture | Above water

  • Vertical kicking | Improper posture

  • Vertical kick | Proper posture

And more...

Checkout our Workouts!


Holly Lawrence

Professional triathlete, 2016 women’s 70.3 IRONMAN world champion

“Before I started swimming with Gerry and TOWER 26 I was a solid pool swimmer but when it came to the open water I was unpredictable and actually experienced a lot of anxiety. Little over a year on under his guidance, not only am I swimming faster than ever but I'm more consistent and feel in control. Gerry's experience and knowledge of open water swimming and how he applies it sets him apart from all the swim coaches out there. I can’t recommend him enough!”

Meredith Kessler

Professional triathlete, 11 x IM champ and 21 x 70.3 champ

“Gerry has created a profound professional foundation of knowledge, focus, attentiveness and genuine care within his world class TOWER 26 program. Not only do you grow and evolve as a swimmer, you learn and understand how to swim smarter. Gerry impacts lives. He sets all of his athletes up for success and his coaching techniques enrich your athletic performance. Gerry's experience, passion and caring personality can lift your swimming stamina and your ability to be properly prepared on race day. He has definitely helped mine!”

Lionel Sanders

Professional triathlete: 14 x 70.3 champ and 3 x IM champ with world’s fastest IM time of 7:44.29

“With over a generation of experience, Gerry has a wealth of knowledge.  Through seeing technique and training fads come and go, he has been able to discern what truly creates fast triathlon swimmers.  He is not partial to any philosophy and is not dogmatic in his approach.  I think this is what makes him a highly effective coach. And that's why I've trusted and used Gerry as my swim adviser.”

Greg Strausberg

34, Attorney

“A year ago, I might have drowned attempting to swim 1000 yards continuously. I learned that some of the world’s best triathletes were training with Coach Rodrigues who was willing to share his professional knowledge with competitive age groupers like myself through podcasts and TOWER 26 workouts. After one session, I immediately saw the workouts were effectively designed, highly organized (he knows the stroke count and pace of the hundreds of people he trains), and scaled to be the best time investment I could make for improving in triathlon generally. The TOWER 26 workouts truly are 'choose your own adventure' in a competitive, but supportive environment for anyone seeking to improve their swimming from Ironman champions to new swimmers. In months, the TOWER 26 program has caused my swimming to improve in a way that would not have been possible otherwise as I watch minutes drop off my swim times.”

Lauren U. | Anchorage, AK

“TOWER 26 is the best swim program ever! I have dropped my average time per 100 by over 15 seconds. I now love swimming and was so prepared for my first full ironman swim. I love TOWER 26!!!”

Allen C. | Belle Mead, NJ

“Gerry, you’ve given me a purpose to swim today and I think I enjoy it as much as cycling and running now. In less than six months I’ve taken 3 plus minutes off my ½ ironman swim split (36’ to 33’), went from 16:40 to 15:36 in my 1k time trial and 1:19 to 1:15 in my 100TT. There will be no more guessing as to what’s going to happen at the swim start of a triathlon ever again. I've never felt fresher to my bike in my 40+ triathlons than I have this year since starting the program. TOWER 26 has instilled a confidence in me that I never thought was possible. The sky is the limit for me. Even at the age of 44.”

Howie L. | New Hope PA

“I took 10 minutes off my best prior ironman swim this summer, and literally charged out of the water on to the bike, with no need for recovery. This is a program for triathlete's who want to swim better during triathlons. It is very different from a traditional pool swimming program, because our needs are very different. I started swimming at 50; first triathlon. I spent the following 13 years becoming increasingly comfortable with swimming. I plateaued, swimming, "middle of the pack". I was frustrated. I listened to the TOWER 26 podcast, and signed on to the program 9 months ago. The promise was that I would swim faster, come out of the water stronger, and get on the bike with more energy. All those promises have been delivered. ”

Sally W. | South Africa

“​Gerry, thank you!! I can't believe how much these times improved in the 7 weeks that I have been doing your program. Admittedly I have been swimming a lot more than ever before (most weeks getting in 4 sessions) and I'm pretty fit as it's summer here but I have had phases of working hard at swimming over the last couple of years (mostly in a Masters squad) and I barely improved. I do all my sessions alone now with no eyes on deck so an example of how well your videos, explanations and sessions work. They have made things just click.”

Robin K. | Tucson, AZ

“​I have been a swimmer for all my life and had been in a rut the last few triathlon seasons, but last Oct (2016), I was introduced Gerry and TOWER 26 when I was told that I HAD to go out in LA and swim with him, so I did and after 1 session with Gerry, I was convinced that his program was what I needed. When Gerry announced the new affiliate program, I join immediately and have done 95% of the prescribed workouts and I have to admit, this was the hardest program I have ever done! But after a few weeks, I could see the changes in my strength, average pace, times and even my confidence and that was it, I love this program. Thank you Gerry for helping me changed the way I view triathlon swimming because there is a world of difference when training in a pool for swimming short hard races, to swimming in the open water as a triathlete and this program change my training habits for the best. I trusted Gerry and had the best season of my life. Thank you”

Roger H. | Singapore

“In triathlon swimming Gerry’s reputation precedes him. Having had the opportunity to be exposed to Gerry through TOWER 26 ‘Race Ready’ podcast, a short swimming stint in Santa Monica and ongoing subscription program for me this is undisputed.

Gerry is the consummate professional and more than willing to share his infinite swim wisdom and knowledge.

Gerry doesn’t offer ‘silver bullets’ rather a defined framework of volume, mechanics, prescription, presence and accountability to get the best return on investment.

The TOWER 26 subscription plan reflect’s Gerry’s meticulous attention to every detail via audio session outline, supporting video instruction and education content. When coupled with ongoing personalized feedback each session it is as if Gerry is on deck with you!

If you are serious about maximising your triathlon swim performance, well change gears and you will not look back!”

Kris S. | Whittier, CA

“With TOWER 26 you get awesome workouts, and invaluable swim education. By following the program, I am now in the best shape of my life, a much better triathlon swimmer, have faster T1 times, and am fresh to my bike in races.”

Jennifer H. | Gig Harbor, WA

“Over the past year, I feel as though I have taken a master class in triathlon swimming.

Through repetition, visualization and focused dedication to studying the content-rich information Gerry presents each week, I have transformed my triathlon swim segment into a powerful tool which sets me up for the best race possible.

I credit Gerry and the TOWER 26 program with my qualification to the ITU World Championships.”

Keith C. | Modesto, CA

“Thank you Coach Gerry for your subscription program. Since joining, my swimming has progressed by leaps and bounds and it has shown in my results - 2nd overall Donner Lake Open Water Swim (1.2 mile), 4th in AG at IM Santa Cruz 70.3, and 3rd in AG at IM Arizona 70.3 for the swim. I particularly have enjoyed the feedback and accountability you provide on a consistent basis. I look forward to continuing my progression - mindful swimming, consistent training, and getting to my bike fresh and fit!”

Colin C.

“I've been extremely impressed with the workouts and overall program TOWER 26 provides. Finally a program that is actually geared for Triathletes and their unique needs!”

Eric T. | Brentwood, CA

“Joining the TOWER 26 subscription program after be frustrated with being exhausted and last out of the water has lead to steady improvement in my swim confidence and comfort. Excited for the upcoming year and more gains as I my technique develops, loosing my wet noodle form. This year’s season will certainly be my strongest with Gerry’s help in the swim segment, looking forward to the swim rather than fearing it.”

Bob F | OK

“At my age, I believed that faster swim times were in the past....until I met Gerry. With TOWER 26 my swim times have continued to improve. His instructions are clear, concise, and complete. And I truly believe that he is personally invested in the success of each athlete. I am extremely pleased with all that I have gained from TOWER 26.”

Mitch B. | Ohio

“I’ve been swimming on my own for 25 years. TOWER 26 has gotten me out of comfort zone and holds me accountable. Never felt better transitioning out of the water.”

Santiago B. | San Jose, CA

“I'm not only swimming faster, I'm swimming with more confidence in the events. It made me faster in the water and in transition. I can now sprint out of the water to T1 without having to catch up my breath for a few seconds after coming out of the water. Also, I'm swimming straight from buoy to buoy without interrupting my stroke, which helps cutting my overall swim time.”

Checkout our Workouts!